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Welcome to the Catherine Hickland Appreciation Site. Please note! This site has not been updated since 2002 and will not be updated in the future. For info on why, please read the whiny rant I posted a few years back when I stopped working on the site. Otherwise, enjoy what is here and steal anything you want!

Catherine Hickland is the great actress who has played Lindsay Rappaport on One Life to Live since 1998.  This website is devoted mainly to Catherine's One Life to Live years and current news and information.  

This site has been created in appreciation of the wonderful work Catherine does on One Life to Live and in other areas of her life, both professional and personal.  Catherine's charity work is admirable and is a large reason why I was inspired to make the site.  Thank you for your visit.

And if you hate Lindsay Rappaport, don't bother telling me why because I think she's swell.  Yes, swell. Definition: excellent- used as a generalized term of enthusiasm.  Enjoy the site :)!

News updated 2/13/02! Info
The latest additions and updates to the Catherine Hickland Appreciation Site as well as TV and magazine alerts.
Here you'll find Catherine's biography, stats, filmography, as well as a list of quotes and contact information.
Reading Photos

Small collection of articles about and interviews with Catherine beginning in the 1990s. products. 

Modest image gallery that includes the most recent pictures of Catherine to be published.
Events Forums
Information about special events and charity events that Catherine has appeared at or supported. In this section you can join our mailing list and message board to meet other Catherine Hickland fans.
Links Cat Cosmetics

Links to other Catherine- related sites, including websites for her co-stars and One Life to Live. to place your order for stock products. 

Read articles, snippets, and general info about Catherine's business, Cat Cosmetics.


Cat Cosmetics



The Catherine Hickland Appreciation SiteĀ®2001-2002 All Rights Reserved
An unofficial site by Sarah