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Forum: America Online Chat Date: December 9, 1998 ABCTim: Welcome! Today we're talking with Catherine Hickland, ONE LIFE TO LIVE's Lindsay Rappaport Buchanan. Although only in Llanview for a relatively short period of time, Lindsay has quickly made her mark and is clearly a new force to be reckoned with. Welcome, Catherine! ABCTim: Hello everyone. Catherine has joined me and the words will be hers from now on. Let's take the first question..... Question: Hi Catherine. We heard you and Michael like to stay a few days after SSW in MGM Disney. What ride or feature do you both enjoy the most? E.J. Catherine Hickland: The Tower of Terror was our favorite. And we really enjoyed the Animal Kingdom. The only problem was that I wanted to take all the animals home with me. Question: Okay Catherine, great new look for you but do you miss your hair yet? Want it back? SEAHAAS Catherine Hickland: Honestly, there hasn't been a day that I have missed my hair. Question: Which do you prefer acting or singing? Catherine Hickland: Acting. I do the singing as a "feed my soul" kind of thing. I also think I'm a better actress than I am a singer. It takes more work for me to be a singer. Question: Do you have a fan club? Catherine Hickland: Not at this time, but I'm working on it. Question: Besides Les Mis, what is one current Broadway musical you would love to perform in? Catherine Hickland: That's tough. The part of the American wife in Miss Saigon would be good. Question: Catherine, I met you and Hubby at the luncheon in NYC this year. I wore the Tad shirt remember? Tad is my favorite. Do you think you and Michael will have kids someday? How beautiful he or she would be! Catherine Hickland: We've been trying. If it happens, you will all be the first to know! Question: Did Kale Brown ever live with you and Michael? Catherine Hickland: Yes, he did. For a brief six weeks. We were sad to see him go. Question: Hey Catherine, I noticed you've lost some weight and really look great. Was there a certain diet you used? Catherine Hickland: The Suzanne Sommers diet. The name of the book is "Lose Weight, Feel Great." Question: What has it been like on the set since the passing of Michael Zaslow? Catherine Hickland: We are all very sad and were very surprised by the news. But we know in our hearts that he has gone on to a better place. He was a wonderful man. Question: Hello there. I met you twice -- once last year and again at Animal Kingdom. How many years have you been acting? Catherine Hickland: This is my 20th year acting. 18 years in daytime. And I still love it. Question: Do you think you will stay on One Life To Live for a long time or do you have other plans? Catherine Hickland: I will be on OLTL for as long as they'll have me. I loved watching this show and now I love being on it. Question: Hey Cat! When and if Michael ever cooks for you, what do you enjoy him making the most? EEEEEJ Catherine Hickland: Michael loves to cook. He makes a wonderful lamb dish. Question: Did you attend college, if so, where and what was your major? Catherine Hickland: I only attended college for 2 years. I've always regretted not finishing. Question: How do you like working with Kale Brown? Catherine Hickland: I love working with Kale. We are very comfortable with one another. And I think he is extremely talented. Question: What advice would you give someone who wants to start in singing Catherine? Catherine Hickland: Make sure you have a top notch singing teacher. And only sing songs that you love. Find a mate who believes in you. Question: Got any other projects you are working on -- oklildale2 Catherine Hickland: I'm performing a concert at the China Club in New York City on January 23rd. It will be an exciting show! Question: You are such a wonderful addition to the OLTL cast. Do you enjoy playing the new bad girl in town? Catherine Hickland: More than you know! Question: Do you spend time with actors after the show? If so, which actors? Catherine Hickland: Yes. Gina Tognoni, Erin Torpey, Don Jeffcoat, Tim Gibbs, Kale Brown, Sonia Satra and others, but these are the ones I see the most. Question: Would you like to see Lindsay get involved with Bo? Catherine Hickland: Absolutely! Would you? Question: What did you do first, acting or singing? RJS Catherine Hickland: 1978. My first job was a pilot called "The Hee Haw Honies" with Kathy Lee Gifford as a co-star. We sang and acted, if you can call it that! Question: Do you miss The City? Catherine Hickland: I miss some of the people, but I'm very happy on OLTL. Question: Do you do a lot of joking around on the set? Catherine Hickland: Yes, but we do it more in the dressing room area. There's a lot of pressure on the set to get the job done. Question: What is it like to be married to Michael E. Knight? Catherine Hickland: Like a dream come true! He's the best husband I've ever had and I should know because I've had three of them! Question: Do you get mobbed a lot when you go outside and go shopping and things like that? Catherine Hickland: Not really. People are very polite. They don't mob me. People just want to meet me or ask questions and I welcome that. Question: Why is Lindsay so adamant about Roseanne not seeing Will? Catherine Hickland: That's a good question. I think Lindsay wants the best for Will and she doesn't think Roseanne is it. Question: Would you like to work in primetime or stay on daytime? rjs Catherine Hickland: I wouldn't mind working in primetime, but I honestly think they write better for women in daytime. Question: What does the future hold for your character now that Clint Ritchie has left the show? Catherine Hickland: Lindsay's future is so bright I have to wear shades. However, I will miss Clint Ritchie. We're having lunch together tomorrow. Question: Do you see your character softening up now that she's going to be a grandma? Catherine Hickland: Maybe, maybe not. Question: Hi Catherine. Will you be at the fan club lunch in April? I'll be there. Catherine Hickland: Yes, I'll be there. With feathers on! Question: How did you meet Michael, and is life easier being married to a soap star as opposed to a TV star? Catherine Hickland: We met at a birthday party of mine. He was someone's guest. I think it's easier being married to a soap star than anybody because he understands my long hours. Question: Catherine, have you ever considered working with Michael on AMC? I am an AMC addict. You two could be real life couples on the set like Edmund and Maria. Mateo and Haley. Catherine Hickland: It's too late now, but I would have loved to have had that opportunity. But no one asked me! Question: Playing the role you have now, does it effect the way you do things in your real life? Catherine Hickland: I'm only tough when I have to be, and that's not often. Question: I am heartbroken by the passing of Michael Zaslow. When will OLTL provide a tribute to him? Love your hair short! Catherine Hickland: Thank you for the kind words about Michael. Tomorrow's show will be dedicated to Michael. Question: How long have you been married to Michael E. Knight? Catherine Hickland: We were married in June of 1992. Question: Loved when you sang on The City. Should sing on OLTL. Catherine Hickland: I don't think a singing bitch would go over very well. But hey, you never know! Question: Where did you grow up? Catherine Hickland: Fort Lauderdale, Florida. ABCTim: We have time for one more question..... Question: How much quality time do you and Michael get to spend together? Catherine Hickland: Weekends are always the most time, but we try to come home right after work and try to be with each other during the week. ABCTim: Catherine wants to thank you all for joining her this afternoon! Thanks everyone! |
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